
From Consumer Reports:


4 Reasons to File Taxes Early
If you like to wait until the last minute to file your taxes, then read this article from Consumer Reports.

Don't Lose More Than You're Planning: 4 Things to Consider Before Using Fitness Apps and Tech
Protect your privacy with these tips from the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.

Know Your Data: Our Latest List of Consumer Reporting Companies
This list from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau lists the various consumer reporting companies including the specialty consumer reporting companies. It also includes tips on how to request your reports and fact check them.

Buying or Selling a "Smart" Home? Read This.
Check out these tips from the FTC before you buy or sell a "smart" home.

Spotlight contains links to sites that we think provide interesting information. While we like highlighting good content, neither Everwise nor FoolProof Financial Education Systems intend this spotlight to be an endorsement of any products or services mentioned in them.