
From the Federal Trade Commission:


Robocalls and Scams Are Now One-Third of All Calls, Report Says
This article from Consumer Reports provides tips to reduce the number of robocalls you receive.

Protecting Your Kids from Identity Theft: Credit/Security Freezes
Children are at risk for identity theft. This article from the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse shows how a credit freeze can help protect them.

A Citizen's Guide to Reducing Energy Waste
This report from U.S. PIRG provides tips to help you reduce your energy consumption.

Using Multiple Google Services? Keep Your Privacy More Secure While Using Chrome
Follow these steps from the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse to opt-out of Chrome's automatic sign-in.

Spotlight contains links to sites that we think provide interesting information. While we like highlighting good content, neither Everwise nor FoolProof Financial Education Systems intend this spotlight to be an endorsement of any products or services mentioned in them.