This month we highlight videos with 30-Second Privacy fixes from Consumer Reports.

Check these out:


Why You Might Need to Subscribe to Get Certain Features on Your Next Car
Read about the plans some automakers have for consumers to pay monthly or yearly fees to use certain features on their cars. From Consumer Reports.

BBB Scam Alert: Don't Fall for Fake Streaming Service Activation Prompts
Check out these scams and how to avoid them.

What Are People Reporting at and How to Block Unwanted Calls
The FTC has released the National Do Not Call Registry Data Book for Fiscal Year 2021. Find out what types of calls consumers have reported and how you can block them on all of your phones.

Spotlight contains links to sites that we think provide interesting information. While we like highlighting good content, neither Everwise nor FoolProof Financial Education Systems intend this spotlight to be an endorsement of any products or services mentioned in them.