This month we highlight videos about laundry money wasters, decluttering & where to unload the clutter from Consumer Reports.

Check these out:


I Agreed to What? The Surprising Rights Companies Claim in Terms of Service
This article from Consumer Reports describes some surprising items in terms of service.

8 Online Tools to Help Save Energy and Money
This article from the U.S. Department of Energy describes several online tools and calculators that will help you save energy and money.

BBB Tip: How to Identify a Fake Website
This article from the Better Business Bureau describes the red flags to look out for before providing any information to a website.

Learn a New Survival Skill: Spotting Deepfakes
This tips from SANS will help you spot deepfakes so that you aren't caught by a scam.

Spotlight contains links to sites that we think provide interesting information. While we like highlighting good content, neither Everwise nor FoolProof Financial Education Systems intend this spotlight to be an endorsement of any products or services mentioned in them.