This month we highlight videos about car-washing strategies, gas, and car maintenance myths from Consumer Reports.

Check these out:


BBB Tip: How to Detect Hidden Fees in a Hidden Cost Economy
These tips from the Better Business Bureau can help you avoid or plan for these fees.

Mobile Payment Apps: How To Avoid a Scam When You Use One
This article from the FTC explains how mobile payment apps works and how to avoid scammers.

How to Disable Ad ID Tracking on iOS and Android, and Why You Should Do It Now
These tips from the Electronic Frontier Foundation will help you control tracking by advertisers and data brokers.

Should You Buy Green Cleaners?
Check out this information from Consumer Reports before you buy your next cleaners.

Spotlight contains links to sites that we think provide interesting information. While we like highlighting good content, neither Everwise nor FoolProof Financial Education Systems intend this spotlight to be an endorsement of any products or services mentioned in them.