Spotlight April 2020
This month we highlight videos on how to protect yourself from Coronavirus on public surfaces and how to sanitize your devices from Consumer Reports.
Spotlight March 2020
This month we highlight videos about algorithmic pricing, saving on prescription drugs, and washing your hands from Consumer Reports.
Spotlight February 2020
This month we highlight podcasts about robocalls and keeping your phone safe from hackers from NPR.
Spotlight January 2020
This month we highlight videos about the perfect road trip, fixing leaks in your house, and reducing allergens from Consumer Reports.
Spotlight December 2019
This month we highlight podcasts about the language of cybercrime and smart home neighborhoods from NPR.
Spotlight November 2019
This month we highlight podcasts about marketing tactics, gasoline prices, and online purchase scams from
Spotlight October 2019
This month we highlight videos about stopping calls on your home phone, mobile phone and from fake numbers from the FTC.
Spotlight September 2019
This month we highlight videos about protecting your home, fees, and online privacy from Consumer Reports.
Spotlight August 2019
This month we highlight podcasts about payment apps and cell phone service from
Spotlight July 2019
This month we highlight videos about car loans and cleaning your electronic devices from Consumer Reports.
Spotlight June 2019
This month we highlight podcasts about buying a home being a bad investment and banning plastic bags from NPR's Planet Money.
Spotlight May 2019
This month we highlight podcasts about purchases from smart speakers, goods customized using your data, and living with student debt from Marketplace.