About to Tap Your 401K for a Loan? Six Reasons to Think Again
Today over 25% of people who have a 401K retirement savings plan have borrowed from these funds. In fact, 401K loans have surged by 37% in just 8 year…

Are You Kidding? You're Not Thinking About Retirement Yet?
What's your vision of retirement? Freedom to do what you want? Travel? Fishing?
"Retirement" is about having the freedom to control your own life whe…

Financial Planning for the Year Ahead
Tips for wrapping up this year and getting a jump start on the next.
The end of the year is fast approaching and many people are thinking of things o…

Is Borrowing from Your 401k Smart?
It is an increasing trend! And boy is it tempting. But is it smart? Probably not, if you wish to retire (soon)...

It's Time to Check Your Social Security Statement Online
Checking your Social Security Statement annually is something all working adults should do, according to the Social Security Administration. An annual…

Saving for Retirement? Comparing Traditional and Roth IRAs
Individual retirement accounts, known as IRAs, are popular tax-advantaged vehicles for saving for retirement. Although there are actually 11 different…

The Longest Vacation of Your Life
Do you want to do what you want, wherever and whenever you want, and money is not a problem? Would you like to go on the longest vacation of your life…

Thinking of a Reverse Mortgage in Retirement? Facts to Consider
Have you seen or heard an ad for reverse mortgages? Did you find it interesting? In a recent study, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), f…

Time Travel: How About Retiring?
Wait a minute... You're young! Why should you think about retirement already?
Well, wouldn't you—at some point—like to be finished with work or s…

Tips and Tools to Help with Retirement Planning
Have you started planning for retirement? Whether retirement is just a few years away or decades, these tips and tools can help you keep your plan on …

Turning 65 This Year? It's Time to Sign Up for Medicare
Are you turning 65 this year? Is a parent or grandparent? One important task to take care of in the months around that 65th birthday is enrolling in M…

Wanna Go on the Longest Vacation of Your Life?
Great. Save money every month—start early (now is almost too late)—and compound interest is going to help you to be able to retire (and take tha…

What Is a 401(k) Plan?
A 401(k) plan in laymen's terms is a saving plan for retirement, offered by your employer. There’s a lot to 401(k)’s, so it is probably makes se…