Do You Know What a Background Check Entails?
Your future employer may want to purchase a background check on you! That may include your credit history, criminal records, employment history and …
Do You Know What Makes Up Your Credit Score?
Your credit score has a major impact on many facets of your life. For instance, it shows how "trustworthy" you are to borrowers. Watch this video t…
Do You Need Renters Insurance?
Why do you need renters insurance? Or health insurance? Well, let’s see what happens if you don’t have it…
Do You Recognize Fake News?
Fake news… Everybody's talking about it. But what is it? And how can you distinguish real news from fake? The tips in this video will help you.
Does Buying in Bulk Always Make Sense?
No. There's plenty or reasons why you shouldn't. But also why you should, of course. These tips may help you stock up.
Don't Like Being Tracked Online?
If you think online tracking invades your privacy, welcome to the club. A lot of people are uneasy about the massive amount of data companies are co…
Ever Heard of Malvertising?
They're malicious ads in search engine results! Chances are, this is impacting you without you knowing it!
Watch the video to learn more.
Experts Agree: You Can Trust Ads!
Sure, advertisers want you to trust them. But can you? Dig into this video to get some truths about ads.
Feeling Financial Stress?
Short on cash, late payments, increasing debt? Check out these blinking red lights that indicate financial trouble.
Finding the Right Internet Source and Using It Safely
Having trouble looking for a good free internet service? Worry no more. Watch the video and follow our tips and tricks right now.
Also check out th…
First Step of Investing? Don't!
Investments may seem like a good way to get wealthy, but they can make you poor just as easy. Before investing in anything, beware of these red flag…
Five Years Old and in Debt!
Can a 5 year-old be $30k into debt? Have a mortgage, a car payment, and 4 credit cards? Yes. And this could happen to a kid you know.
From Credit Card to Credit Score?
Here's how your credit card can impact your credit score, and how your score impacts your life.
Getting a Lot of Personalized Ads?
Your behavior online determines the type of ads you get, a lot of the time. See what's happening and control the ads you see.
Got Bad Credit? Scammers Are After You!
If you fear you have bad or hurt credit, chances are, you're being preyed on, too! Scammers will try to get you to believe they can make your credit…
Got Credit Card Debt? Consolidate!
When to consolidate your credit card debt, and how do you do it right.
Green Scams: Not Energy Efficient, and You Still Lose Your Money
The world is going green, and so are scammers. Find out how they are after your (green) money.
Have a kid? Go to TikTok
With social media like TikTok and its influencers, the world of
"easy to recognize" ads is gone. Here’s a video to help you understand how your …
Have You Considered a Layaway?
Layaways plans are still a thing. And many people lose money on layaway plans. Check out this video now, and make sure you do this right.
Have You Played the Marketing Gimmick Game?
Advertisers try to trick you into believing a one-sided pitch—that's what advertising is—as the whole truth and nothing but the truth. P…
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