Reduce Your Risk of Identity Theft
How big a problem is identity theft? It's an epidemic. The Javelin Strategy and Research 2010 Identity Fraud Survey Report indicates there were 11.1 m…

Resolve to Avoid These New Year's Scams
Health, relationships, and money — the trifecta of New Year's resolutions. And wouldn't you know it? Scammers are jockeying for position to win.…

Robocallers Are So 1984. But Robotext Scammers Are Real!
Telemarketing companies and scammers have been automating their calls for years. Next-gen swindlers manipulate similar technology to send text message…

Robocalls. What Is Being Done to Stop Them?
Robocalls. We've all received them. Any call with a recorded or artificial voice message is a robocall. While some of these calls are legitimate, many…

Scammed with Your Payment App
Here's a scenario for you...
Say you're selling something—online or offline—and you get paid by a stranger. He pays you via payment app&m…

Scammers Feast on Trust
Turkey-shaped platters piled high with mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and green bean casserole — yum! Don't forget harvest-themed table runne…

Scams That Are Easy to Fall For
Scams are so common today that most of us think we've learned to identify and avoid them. That's probably true for any obvious scams. But many less ob…

Searching for a Facebook Customer Service Number? Don't.
Have you ever searched for a customer service number online? NPR's All Tech Considered while working on a story decided to search for Facebook Custome…

Senior Scams Are Skyrocketing!
More and more scams are targeting seniors. Watch this video to stay ahead of the potential trouble and stress.

Shopping for the Holidays? Watch Out for Scams Online and Off!
Scammers are always trying to find ways to part you from your money and personal information. During this time of the year, they up their game to take…

Shopping Online More? Thieves Are Too!
As we spend more time at home and are shopping less in person, our online shopping has increased. We're shopping and ordering through websites and app…

Should You Be Giving Your Personal Data?
Did you notice many websites ask for your phone number or more? Should you be giving this very personal data? To some companies, sure. To others, d…

Sink Student Loan Scams as Payment Freeze Thaws
It's not the end of an ice age, but it sure feels like it.
The federal student loan repayment freeze is ending this fall. With the pause melting away…

Something Smells Phishy!
Phishing has been around for quite some time, and I’m pretty sure you've ran into a phish email or text by now. But scammers are getting smarter b…

Starting Your Own (Web-Based) Company?
If you are, beware of bogus web development scams! Scammers are out there…

Stay Alert for Crowdsourcing Scams
In recent years, crowdfunding has become a popular way to raise money for a variety of creative projects, new business ventures, and charitable causes…

Stop Your Apps from Needlessly Sharing Your Location!
Location sharing can be handy while navigating, sure, but not every app needs that access. Most (free) apps collect and sell your location data to a…

Talking About a Rip-Off!
Have you ever been scammed? It's terrible, no matter how much money you lose. But how do scams happen, and what can you learn from others who have bee…

Teen Bubbles Are Bursting with Scam Opportunities
Older folk often describe Gen Z as "those little whippersnappers who sent their first text message within two minutes of being born," or something sim…

Thank You for Your Service
Service members and their families deal with a variety of challenges, and scammers don't mind figuratively throwing a grenade into the mix. Crooks are…
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