Video: AI - From Fun to Violations
AI is everywhere nowadays. How is that impacting your life? Learn more about AI and how to keep you safe with this video.
Privacy Trouble: You Didn't Do This, Did You?
Your personal information is worth a lot of money to many people, while sharing too much information online can cost you dearly. Check it out in this video...
Smart Food Shopping Tips
Want to save money at your grocery store this week? Bite the temptations with these easy tips.
Can Credit Cards Hurt Young People?
Have a credit card and little income? Then it's likely you're carrying a credit card balance... And that can (start to) hurt a lot.
Crazy Money Habits to Make You Money!
For most people it's easier to save money than to make money. Check out how right here.
Stop Your Apps from Needlessly Sharing Your Location!
Location sharing can be handy while navigating, sure, but not every app needs that access. Most (free) apps collect and sell your location data to anyone interested. Reduce that impact, now...
What's Not to Like About Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Nothing is what it is was like, when it comes to AI and information and data. If you like roaming the web, this video is for you...
Are You Easily Scammed Online?
Generally, the simpler the scam, the more people fall for it. Learn all about common online scams starting with this video.
Your DNA Is Impacting Your Spending!
Your spending habits today were partly formed back in the caveman days... Talk about old habits dying hard! Start economizing now with the help of this video.
A Happy Holiday Greeting, Loaded with Good Deed Suggestions for Those You Care For!
Our simple gift to you: a happy video on spending less and giving more.